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Sew, laugh, learn, create.......that's what Sew with Nelly Bea workshops are all about.

SEW... I just LOVE dressmaking, always have and always will. I am absolutely passionate about getting other people sewing to.  Sew with Nelly Bea workshops offer a range of dressmaking classes and masterclasses so there is something for everyone, no matter where you are on your sewing journey. 

LAUGH... They say laughter is the best therapy, well, put that together with sewing and you're on to a winner. Coming to a workshop is a great way to take your mind off of everyday life and give yourself some time to RELAX, you also get to meet lots of other Happy Stitchers!

LEARN... Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced dressmaker there is always something new to learn. My workshops offer a supportive, friendly environment. I am a qualified Textiles teacher and I keep my class sizes small to ensure EVERYONE gets the individual support they need.

CREATE... what a sense of achievement it is to MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES. Sew with Nelly Bea workshops will enable you to create well fitting, beautiful clothes, copy an existing garment you love, alter something to fit, or ,hack a pattern to make it just the way you want it. ANYTHING is possible, its just up to you to join me and create it.



Joan Ellis



I love sewing, I have been sewing for a very long time. I started by making clothes for my dolls when I was a little girl and have been sewing ever since. I love to learn new skills (yes I am still learning), I love mixing different fabrics and pattern together and I love to create just about anything made out of fabric but my real passions are dressmaking and pattern cutting.

I have made wedding dresses, ball gowns, curtains, blinds, clothes, fancy dress costumes and stuff for the home. I was a pattern cutter in my younger years and for the last 15 I have been a textiles teacher in a secondary school. Sewing calms me, it’s my yoga if you like, time to unwind and relax. It's good for my soul.

I would LOVE to teach you to sew so,  you to are able to relax and enjoy the sewing and creating process. I run a range of sewing workshops in the Bournemouth area and would love for you to come sew with me.

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