I started 2020 with a urgent need to give my sewing room a good tidy up and sort out. Although I long for something bigger with a table I can get at from all sides and, dream of a space where I can teach from home, for now I have to make the best use of the space I have. I guess, I have to be grateful for a dedicated sewing room! However with our house on the market it has got me thinking about how best to store stuff and how (hopefully) my sewing room might one day look. I thought I'd just share a few of these ideas with you as they might be useful to you in your sewing spaces.

Although My dreamed of cutting table might be a bit of a big wish at the moment, I did come across a few ideas which would easy fit into my current space.....

A peg board seems like a great way of being able to hang everything up, keep it neat and tidy and being able to see what you've got and where it is!
It so versatile as you can place the hooks to suit the size and shape of the equipment you wish to store and even hang storage pots for pens & pencils.

I thought this was a fab idea, simple and not too expensive to install. Magnetic strips with metal tubs and transparent lids. What a great idea for storing all those little bits and bobs? This is definitely going into my next workroom. Great for machine feet, bobbins, needles and buttons as well as the machine needles and pins shown.
Finally how about this way of storing thread? It's easy to see whether you have the right colour for your next project and would be great hanging on the back of a door. It's a win, win. Effective storage and more room elsewhere for more fabric! How brilliant is that?

Well, I hope you all enjoy re-vamping your sewing rooms now. If you have any suggestions or clever ways of storing things in your sewing rooms please let me know.
Happy Stitching Everyone,
Sew with Nelly Bea
Sew, laugh, learn, create